Sunday, September 3, 2006

Rounds oatmeal-speak

Garry Moore (D-Yankton):
I think he [Rounds] was waiting for [convicted murderer] Page to ask for a stay. Page didn't ask, and the governor was getting concerned. The governor blinks and calls a stay. I think a lot of this is tied to the abortion issue.

There was pressure from right-to-life groups. [The last minute stay] was an easy out, to not address it till after the November election.
Rounds responds:
There's simply no logic to what Mr. Moore is suggesting.
Uh huh.

Here's another one on the open-government issue:
Rounds said his approach to openness has been his Capitol For A Day program, where he and various officials from state government visit towns and cities and meet with local residents.

"We've done our best to get out and visit one-on-one, visit communities, talk with local newspaper officials. The intent being to focus on issues of interest in different parts of the state," Rounds said. Meeting the executives in state departments has encouraged more people to contact the state about problems, he said.

But the editors and publishers at the table wanted to talk about the right of citizens to attend government meetings and read government documents.
You mean, gosh, summer camp junkets for state officers is not enough? What, you want access to real documents and meetings where the decisions are made?

You just have to love this guy. I hear he used similarly effective rhetoric against Billion in the debate in Huron this weekend. At the least, if he keeps this up he will damage his chances in the 08 U.S. Senate race, a good thing--because Rounds would never stand up for this red state against the dominating Democratic majority we'll have after the 08 election.



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